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Business Coaching for Creative Small Female Businesses

Coaching & Mentoring Packages:
Online Programs:

Don’t Lead.

Entrepreneur & Business Growth Coaching for
Visionary Women

We don't yet know why you've come to this page, but we can tell you why we have.

Infusing the Business World with Femininity, Plan & Passion.

Exceptional Woman® is a brand, a community, a way of living, and the top choice for every Visionary Business Lady aspiring to fully unfold and infuse her captivating blend of competence, feminine charm, determination, and emotional complexity into her business, leadership style, relationships, and life.

  • We are here because the world needs women’s charm, elegance, and lightness more than ever.
  • We’re all about sparking excitement, ensuring satisfaction, and making female personal and financial freedom a priority.
  • We are here to empower business women to harmonize all their life roles of a woman, lover, mother, and entrepreneur with self-confidence, master their life journeys with deep faith and live in a stay of flow.
Deliana & Stela,
Deliana & Stela,

founders and method authors

Our services & online courses help to strategically grow your business & overcome personal challenges


Our approach is WORKING with female entrepreneurs & (self-)employed women to create a STRATEGIC PLAN on how to grow their passion into an EASY-TO-RUN, profitable, DUAL-CORE BUSINESS, become an INSPIRATIONAL LEADER, build a WINNING TEAM & live a holistic, luxurious, and ENJOYABLE LIFE.

Kind words

"I loved 7 Levels of Money program because it's both informative without delving too deep into theory. On the other hand, the exercises and reflections helped me directly improve my financial situation. The program was easy to follow and suitable for a busy and hectic mom's life."
Catharina A.
"Thanks to the 7 Levels of Money, I'm on the path to financial freedom."
Larissa Y.
"The concept of there being 7 levels, ranging from poverty to wealth, made it simple for me to easily assess where I stood on a comprehensible scale. The exercises provided me with the exact steps I needed to take, and I've been at level 5 for quite some time now – the level of financial abundance. This has enabled me to increase the prices of my business services and redefine my target client base. For the first time, my business is consistently generating monthly income. After 6 years, I can finally relax and enjoy my work, knowing that my financial situation will remain stable this month."
Thashara S.
"The mentoring provided in "7 Levels of Money" is invaluable. It's like having a financial guide by your side, helping you navigate the intricacies of wealth creation and management. The mentor's experience and insights are incredibly reassuring and have given me the confidence to make significant financial moves."
Jennifer A.
"As a result of 7 Levels of Money program, I feel more financially empowered and confident. I have clear financial goals, and I am well on my way to achieving the financial freedom I've always dreamt of. I can't recommend this program enough to anyone looking to take control of their financial future and reach new heights of financial success."
Alisa C.C.
"If you aspire to better financial health and financial freedom, I strongly encourage you to join this program."
Eva L.

Get Informed With Our Blog 

How to Quickly Overcome the ‘False Wealth Syndrome’ and 4 Steps to Truly Become Rich
3 weeks ago Mindset Beliefs Limites Gremlins

From False Wealth to True Abundance: Strategies to Overcome the "False Wealth Syndrome". In today's society, appearances

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4 Obstacles to Eliminate to Overcome Procrastination and Move Toward Your Business Goals
1 month ago Harmony Love Life Balance, Wealth Money Prosperity Abundance

Breaking Through: Overcoming Procrastination to Reach Your Business Goals We also offer this article in video. https://youtu.be/1LmWDW7An_c

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What You Choose to Focus on… Will Grow…

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Business Coaching for Creative Small Female Businesses

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