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How to master Transition and Cycle of Change with Confidence, Ease and Excitement!

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Precious Advice for Navigating with Confidence through the Inevitable Transition and Cycle of Change

Transition and Cycle of Change, often dreaded, can evoke a certain anxiety towards the unknown. While many people claim to want change, reality often shows a preference for life once it has already transformed (without going through the process). It is tempting to remain in the comfort of the familiar, even at the cost of avoiding uncertainty. However, a simple truth persists: change is inevitable. Nothing remains unchanged. Accepting this reality allows us to make the most of it.

Change follows a cycle, and we are constantly in a phase of this cycle in all dimensions of our lives. Whether in our career, relationships, health, or personal growth, change is a constant. Recognizing our position in this Transition and Cycle of Change and the appropriate actions at each stage can help us confidently navigate these transformations. 

Specific thoughts, feelings, and actions characterize each phase of change. Knowing them, recognizing them, and choosing your actions will help you move confidently through the pleasant and unpleasant moments, increase your satisfaction with the pleasant ones, and truly enjoy the process and the results. Coaching plays a crucial role by providing tailored techniques to master changes enthusiastically and efficiently and maintaining calm and confidence at each process stage. 

Transition and Cycle of Change

Ask different people what “Change” represents to them, and you will get varied responses. Some people embrace change and see the opportunities it brings, while others merely survive it. Some will do everything to avoid it at all costs. Our perception of change depends on our perspective. 

Change is inevitable, but how can we master it instead of enduring it?

The key lies in understanding the different phases of the Transition and Cycle of Change and adopting a proactive approach. 

Let’s explore the change theory with the four phases to help us understand what is happening and navigate changes more comfortably.

Phase I: “The Spring”- Reflection and Exploration

woman lavande spring transition change seasons

Like spring emerging after a harsh winter, the first stage of change represents our own “Spring” – a long-awaited renewal. This period marks the opening of a new chapter in your life, whether it’s a new job, a career change, a move, a new romantic relationship, the arrival of a child, etc. This is the period that marks the decision to make this change. However, despite the growth opportunities it offers, this change phase can generate a feeling of losing control (fear of letting go), especially for those uncomfortable with changes, accentuating the stress associated with the process.

It is the time for reflection, exploration, and seeking new opportunities. It involves letting go of what no longer works, healing emotionally, and preparing for new inner growth. 

Take the time to reassess your core values, explore new directions, and decide where to direct your energy.

In coaching, we collaborate to examine your strengths and talents, identify your values and opportunities, address fears and obstacles, define limiting beliefs, and choose a motivating direction. Together, we develop an AIM SMART growth plan for successful implementation. 

Very important: for a successful change, you need to assess your journey, revisit your values and deep convictions, analyze what is crucial in your existence, and determine the direction you want to take.

Learn more about the typical thoughts, feelings, and actions for the phases of change and use them to make the process enjoyable and exciting for you.

Download the free toolkit “Recognizing your Transition and Cycle of Change” now! 


Phase II: “The Summer”- Action and Achievement

woman beach summer transition change seasons

“The Summer” is the plan’s action, experimentation, and realization phase developed in “The Spring”. At this stage, optimism reigns about the chosen direction, which seems to be the right path. We are ready and motivated to live the next steps of our journey. This period begins after the decision-making and extends into the realization of the change. It is the moment of change, such as starting a business, moving, searching for a new job, with interviews and contract negotiations, and ultimately, any ongoing change.

At the beginning of this stage, there is often a reluctance to commit permanently, preferring to adopt a “step-by-step” approach. However, this hesitation gives way to a firm commitment to our confidence and the chosen process over time. Of course, there will always be moments of reassessment and evaluation, but this phase is primarily characterized by the ability to act proactively. It is the opportune moment to materialize our ideas, learn from experience, and engage actively.

Excitement is at its peak while keeping a vigilant eye on the fear of success or failure.

In coaching, we work together to establish a simple and achievable plan and move in the right direction, and nothing can stop us. We follow the plan and regularly react to readjust and optimize it. Limiting beliefs are eliminated over time, and we move forward with confidence and passion.

Download the free toolkit “Recognizing your Transition and Cycle of Change” now! 

Phase III: “The Autumn”- Fulfillment and Challenges

woman park autumn transition change seasons

“The Autumn” phase is when we seek to live our dreams and achieve well-being. Although often joyful, this phase may also involve challenges and setbacks. Stay focused on the present moment, face challenges with optimism, and keep moving forward despite obstacles.

This period begins after the change when we are fully immersed in the new situation. For example, when we are settled in our new home, started our new job, or when our business has taken off… It is after the change has occurred. We are thrilled and enthusiastic about what lies ahead.

This phase is the time to be fully in the moment. People love this part of their lives the most and hope it will continue this way or even improve for the rest of their lives. We reap the fruits of our work and our actions. Most plans will work at this stage if people can “get out of their own way”!

In coaching, we identify persistent and blocking Gremlins. This stage has a high potential for personal development and growth. Often, it is more effective to work in a joyful phase, especially on projects such as a business.

Download the free toolkit “Recognizing your Transition and Cycle of Change!” now!

Phase IV: “The Winter”- Reflection and Introspection

woman winter beautiful transition change seasons

The last phase of change, “The Winter,” is a period of reflection, calm, introspection, and taking a step back. The world is like this: all things have an end. Sometimes, things end with success, and sometimes we experience ‘failure “. People in this part of the cycle will take little action and resist change due to fear and a lack of possible hope. Those who no longer have too much ‘energy’ tend to live in “the winter” phase because they often feel victimized and immobilized by situations and forces beyond their control. They may complain and express feelings of pain and will remain so until they can release the negativity.

As human beings, we are rarely ready for the end of the cycle, but it is inevitable. Winter is nostalgia: for the emotions of excitement, joy, and enthusiasm, nostalgia for evaporated motivation, nostalgia for the old “new situation.”… Two choices are available: decide to change and step quickly again to “The Spring”- Phase or stay and endure in “The Winter” for a long and uncomfortable time. 

In coaching, this period is conducive to turning inward, addressing negative thoughts, and finding clarity in calm. Although it may be associated with the fear of the unknown, it is a necessary passage to new beginnings. Some people may experience extreme emotions and negative thoughts without a motivating goal during this period. It is precisely now that the need for an expert coach is most substantial.

Download the free toolkit “Recognizing your Transition and Cycle of Change!” now!

Transition and Cycle of Change – It’s essential to know that:

We can also experience shorter seasonal transitions, meaning we can have cycles of only two seasons (that follow each other) instead of four. We call them mini-cycles.

Another peculiarity is that seasonal changes often occur in only one domain of our life (see the Wheel of Life). For example, the change of a partner may not necessarily be simultaneous with a job change. Sometimes, there are parallel changes in certain areas, such as a change of partner associated with a change of habitat. It is also possible for radical changes to occur in all four life domains simultaneously. This is the Grand Change. Its periods can upheave your entire existence. 

Expert coaching assistance is then more than advisable. By definition, the coach is the person best suited to help you approach a change and transition.

Every change concerns your entire life.

Any change in one area of your life impacts the other areas. Changing one area of your life or trying to avoid changing it constantly results in changing or avoiding changing all other areas. You can imagine your life as a clock. Each gear symbolizes an essential part of your life. And by changing or avoiding changing one gear, the other gears move. By changing something, you impact your entire life. Trying to hold onto something hinders the development of your whole life.

Your life will stick, but your dissatisfaction will grow. If a change in your career is inevitable, but you try to postpone it, hold onto it, and wait, you will transfer your discomfort and dissatisfaction from this area to all other areas of your life. Your romantic relationship will likely begin to suffer from dissatisfaction, and your health and emotions will go in a direction you do not want.

Your personal development will slow down, and everything will stop working. You may have already experienced the feeling that everything is collapsing or nothing is going in your favor. This is because avoiding change in one area stops the natural course of action in other areas. The good news is that if you initiate an active change in the area of your life where your dissatisfaction is most profound, all other areas will enter optimistic synchronization. In other words, if we try to support and accelerate the pace of change, our lives will be full of exciting and joyful moments.


Navigate with confidence through each season of transition and cycle of change.

Each phase of change is a season in itself, bringing its share of experiences. Adopting a proactive approach and working with a professional coach can transform these seasons into opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Remember, each step is crucial for personal and professional development. Accept change, engage in action, and discover the richness of each “season” with confidence and determination. Every change goes through cycles, and every desire for change goes through each of our abilities to approach change. Life is made this way.

If you are in:

  • “spring”, accelerate the process with clarity and AIM GOALS.
  • “summer”, enjoy the process.
  •  “autumn”, face challenges with optimism.
  • “winter”, use this time of reflection to find clarity and prepare for new beginnings.


Download the free blueprint book: “7 Keys to Success in Time of Change” and start mastering every transformation in your life with confidence and joy! 





Here are our products that can positively enhance your financial situation, bringing you closer quickly and as simply as possible to the life of your dreams.

30 Steps To Growth Rich Effective, Enjoyable And Easy To Use Money E-Tool For Women Ready To Achieve Abundance And Financial Freedom transition


30 Steps To Happy And Fulfilling Love Effective, Enjoyable And Easy To Use (LOVE) E-Tool For Women Ready To Transform Their Romantic Life transition


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