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How Can You Master Your Limiting Beliefs and Transform Your Business into a Success Machine

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How Can You Master Your Limiting Beliefs and Transform Your Business into a Success Machine

Welcome to the first installment of a four-part series dedicated to conquering “limiting beliefs, interpretations, assumptions, and gremlins” revolving around money, business, and prosperity.

We’ve observed that many talented and creative female entrepreneurs, despite their dedicated efforts, experience frustration and apprehension about their ability to make their businesses thrive. Two essential elements play a role in financial success: our subconscious (thoughts and beliefs) and our actions (behavior). One cannot function without the other. Discover how your beliefs and actions are inseparable for achieving financial success and how to transform them to unlock your potential.

What Is a Limit?

To start, let’s understand what limits are. They are like boundaries in our minds, created by our beliefs and experiences. These limits influence our actions and can either propel us toward success or hold us back.

Limits: Friends or Foes?

Limits can be either helpful or hindering, meaning they can provide confidence or hinder your progress. For example:

  • Confidence Limits: They can encourage you to persevere or make you doubt yourself.
  • Financial Limits: They determine your relationship with money and investment.
  • Time Limits: They impact your productivity and work-life balance.
  • Merit Limits: They define whether you feel deserving of success.
  • These limits can be at the root of your financial issues or simply block you from achieving the finances you desire.

How Are Limits Formed?

Limits generally develop over time, influenced by your upbringing, life experiences, and surroundings. They can also be reinforced by deep-seated beliefs.

Transforming Limiting Beliefs into Assets

Each of these can be perceived in two distinct ways: as an insurmountable obstacle or as a powerful asset. Let’s take a concrete example to illustrate this point:

Imagine you often hear that “women earn 30 to 40% less than men in the professional world.” This could be interpreted in two ways:

  • As a Limit: You might view this statistic as a limit not to exceed. You may anticipate that, regardless of your efforts, you will always face wage discrimination. This belief could lead you to seek jobs where you expect to be paid less than your male counterparts, undermining your confidence and ambition.
  • As an Asset: However, another perspective is to consider this statistic as a powerful asset. You may feel motivated to prove the opposite. You might decide to always earn more than your male colleagues by working harder, acquiring valuable skills, negotiating skillfully, and making informed decisions. This belief could become a driving force for your success, encouraging you to surpass traditional limits and gain the recognition you deserve.

Coaching Exercise: Identify Your Limits

Here’s an exercise we implement with our clients, but you can also do it on your own.

This “Financial Limit Mapping” exercise will help you identify, understand, and begin eliminating your limiting beliefs that hinder your prosperity. Emphasis is placed on questioning and refuting these beliefs, crucial for unlocking your financial potential.

Step 1: The List of Limiting Beliefs

Create a list of all your limiting beliefs about money, prosperity, and financial success. The best way is to remember what you heard about money in your childhood, what your parents said. relatives, teachers… What colleagues and friends often say. For example, “Money is the root of all evil” or “Money is earned only through hard work and yet it will never be enough.” Don’t hesitate to delve deep; sometimes, clients can identify 40, 50, or even 100 limiting beliefs.

Step 2: Analyzing Origins

Explore the origins of each of these beliefs. When and how did you acquire them? Often, they stem from past experiences, familial influences, or societal norms.

Next to each limiting thought, write down who you heard it from and how often you heard it.

Step 3: Questioning and Refutation

For each limiting belief, challenge it. Ask questions like, “Is this belief based on real facts?” or “Are there contrary pieces of evidence to this belief?” Develop refutations for each belief. Reflect on each limit by answering these four questions:

  • Where did you get this idea?
  • How true is that to you?
  • What effect does this belief have on your life?
  • What evidence do you have to the contrary?

Step 4: Crafting Proof for the opposite 

Try to find proof that each limiting thought is false. 

For example,: “At least 60% of women I know earn more than their partners or male co-workers.” 

Step 5: Visualizing Prosperity

Engage in a guided visualization like the Tornado Method to imagine your ideal financial life, free from these limiting beliefs. Experience the emotions of prosperity and success.

Step 6: Action Plan

Develop a concrete action plan based on your new positive insights. Identify specific steps you can take to achieve your financial goals.

Steps 4, 5, and 6 are assets during a coaching session. Some clients can complete them independently, but sometimes, external assistance is necessary.

Congratulations on your commitment to unlocking your financial success. This article is the first of a four-part series, each delving deep into different aspects of limiting beliefs,assumptions, interpretations, and gremlins related to your business.

It’s essential to recognize that your limiting beliefs are not definitive sentences. You have the power to choose how to interpret them and how they influence your journey. The challenge is to view these beliefs as opportunities for growth, and  either to transform them into assets for unlocking your financial success or to eliminate them, to silence these self-imposed limits.

The next step is to understand how your assumptions can either serve you or hinder you. Stay tuned for inspiring and practical advice that will help you break the barriers to financial success. Your financial future is in your hands.



“The Joy of Setting Boundaries” Online Program


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