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16 rules for success that lead to wealth

25JulWoman car

What do successful people do? Or to put it briefly: Your bank account is a reflection of your soul.

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between people who succeed in life and those who don’t?

Today, almost automatically, the first association we make with the word “success” is related to financial wealth and material well-being. Why? Because in our perception, success brings us satisfaction and reward, and it needs to be measured, and money and possessions are a good unit of measurement. This measure of success, in turn, leads us to make the following two automatic associations: successful = rich; unsuccessful = poor. And so the concepts of rich and poor people have become synonymous with successful and loser. And despite the definition of poor being a person who lives on less than 1 073 dollars per mouth, we can still hear many people defining themselves as poor simply because their finances are not enough for a comfortable and luxurious life.

But what leads a successful person to wealth and an unsuccessful person to lack and poverty? And why are there people whom we consider rich, but they themselves see themselves as only moderately wealthy and even live in fear that their material acquisitions are few and not enough? And since 1 million is 1 million, why is everyone’s perception of the same number different when it comes to money?

Perhaps you already realize that our perception of the world and money determines our thoughts. They, in turn, prompt us to take certain actions. And our actions determine what happens to us. Through the chain reaction of perception, thoughts, and action, we attract either success, material well-being, wealth, satisfaction, and a sense of happiness or poverty, destitution, fear, envy, and ultimately a feeling of unhappiness.

Following this logic, it becomes clear that material wealth comes as a result of a receptive attitude towards our surrounding world, positive thoughts that, in turn, favor our actions to be directed towards the right path for success.

Of course, positive thinking alone does not help. The main characteristic of a successful and rich person is that they are active. They pursue their goals, their vision, and their mission. Their actions attract material wealth, which in turn returns emotional satisfaction and the thoughts “I can handle it,” which confirms their perception that life is favorable to them.

Of course, skeptics are full of objections and they will revolt here, saying:

“The rich are rich because it was given to them, and the poor are poor because it was taken from them. Success is a matter of chance, and wealth is inheritance.” And they certainly have plenty of evidence for that.

In case of failure, a person often falls into self-pity and habitually blames their fate for being in misery. They blame their loved ones for not having enough resources or good living conditions. We have heard “the rich are to blame” thousands of times.

What is Bill Gates guilty of that you haven’t become rich?

And what is Arnold Schwarzenegger guilty of that your partner has a beer belly and is overweight?

Isn’t this an illusion that makes us believe in false claims to prevent us from progressing? Or simply to protect us from actions that may require more effort than we are willing to invest? Or does it protect us from the fear of failure and becoming a laughingstock?

Perhaps you have heard that our bank account is a reflection of our soul.

If you feel that you don’t have enough, that it’s not sufficient, that you want more than your current state, then start with your attitude and your thoughts because they are the key to your success or failure.

Since it is true that successful people have been given everything on a silver platter, how can we explain the success of all the people who started from scratch and achieved incredible success – Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, Jeff Bezos, creator of Amazon, Barack Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Benjamin Franklin… And the statistic that 80% of all millionaires and billionaires started from scratch… isn’t that proof enough that each of us is capable of achieving the same success with the right attitude, thoughts, and actions?

Have you ever wondered if there are similarities in the behavior of successful people? And what are the recurring patterns in the behavior of the unsuccessful? What do the successful ones do and what do the others do?

Optimism is one of the recurring factors as a distinguishing characteristic in all biographies of successful individuals. It has been proven that optimism, i.e., a positive attitude towards the world, determines the luck and success of everyone. The truth is, there are things we need to do to succeed. And if we choose not to do them, we are the only ones to blame for our failures and “poverty.”

In the numerous inspiring biographies of famous and successful individuals, it becomes evident that they do similar things. Successful people apply and do things that lead them to success. And conversely, unsuccessful people have habits and strategies that lead them to failure.

A recently read quote said:

“Give a poor person €1000, and they will come back with the latest iPhone.

Give a rich person €1000, and they will come back with €1,000,000.”

Wealth is a matter of attitude, knowledge of success, and a well-thought-out action strategy. And then: Action! Action! And more action!

Here are a few guidelines for the behaviors of successful people compared to those who don’t succeed. Highlight all the habits you identify with. And then, most importantly, highlight which ones you want to possess.

It’s all a matter of choice.

And once the choice is made, success becomes a matter of habit.

People who DO NOT SUCCEED People who SUCCEED
Watch TV to kill time Read articles and books about business, success, politics every day
Complain and feel sorry for themselves Take failure as a lesson and learn from their mistakes
Discuss others Discuss their own ideas
Think they know everything Constantly learn something new
Avoid responsibility and blame others for their mistakes Take responsibility for their mistakes
Are passive and avoid any changes Are proactive and embrace change
Act without a plan and follow others’ goals Set their own goals and pursue them
Want others to help them Help others
Are always or often late Are always punctual
Make excuses Have priorities
Focus on other people’s work Focus on their own work
Spend recklessly Live according to their income or, as they say, “live within their means” Live according to their income or, as they say, “live within their means”
Reject any new idea Are open to new ideas
Look for excuses not to do anything Look for ways to take action
Save for services  Invest in services
Work for money Money works for them

Make your choice. Choose success.

Print out this table. Fold it along the line that separates the habits of the successful and the unsuccessful. Throw away the column of the unsuccessful into the trash. From the other side, the one of the successful, choose 1-2 new habits and start following them immediately. Carefully fold that side of the sheet and put it in your wallet, where the unit of measurement for success is hidden. Take it out from time to time. Read it and mark which habits you have acquired and which are the next ones you want to integrate into your life. Do it until you no longer need this list because you have integrated all its points, and because its place has been taken by money.

Enjoy your success. Because you have earned it.

If you don’t start with any of the rules and don’t make any of these rules part of your daily habits, then this article has been useless to you.

Knowing everything in theory has no importance to us. If things are not practiced, they will remain just interesting facts… Never forget, successful people take action… Take action and practice what you have learned here to succeed as well.

Where will you start today?

By adopting these actions, you can lay the foundation for success and strive towards wealth.

  1. Avoid spending time watching TV and instead focus on reading articles and books about business, success, and politics every day.
  2. Turn complaints into lessons and learn from your mistakes rather than feeling sorry for yourself.
  3. Shift the focus from discussing others to discussing your own ideas.
  4. Recognize that you don’t know everything and constantly seek to learn something new.
  5. Take responsibility for your mistakes instead of blaming others.
  6. Be proactive and embrace change rather than being passive and avoiding any changes.
  7. Set your own goals and actively pursue them instead of blindly following others’ goals.
  8. Help others rather than expecting them to help you.
  9. Be punctual rather than consistently or often being late.
  10. Prioritize your actions and responsibilities instead of making excuses.
  11. Focus on your own work rather than getting caught up in other people’s work.
  12. Manage your finances responsibly, living within your means and avoiding reckless spending.
  13. Be open to new ideas rather than rejecting them outright.
  14. Look for ways to take action instead of constantly seeking excuses not to do anything.
  15. Save with the intention of investing in services rather than simply spending money.
  16. Make your money work for you by developing income sources and profitable investments.


Love Yourself 💋.



“The Joy of Setting Boundaries” Program


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