first choice



more MONEY,


more of everything you want…

25th April 2024

02:00 PM (CET)

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Have you ever felt like you’ve climbed the career ladder, tackling demanding tasks, yet the salary and recognition you receive don’t match the effort you put in?

Are there moments when you make yourself available to everyone, but when it’s your turn, you’re accused of selfishness?

Or perhaps you find yourself constantly postponing essential things for you, such as time for self-care, a new career start, or enjoyable moments with loved ones, hoping to catch up in the future?

If you feel trapped in a daily routine that is losing meaning and dream of an exciting and fulfilling life with recognition, it’s time to make a new choice and take new action steps.


You’ve probably heard that you must leave your ‘Comfort Zone’ to achieve your dreams. But that’s a complete absurdity! If that approach worked, you’d already be at the pinnacle of success and happiness.

If you want to achieve success and feel fulfilled and happy, it’s time to define and discover your comfort zone and truly embrace it.

If you desire more from life, explore new ways to achieve it with the help of international coaching expert Deliana Mineva. Join the 6-week online workshop and work personally with her for your progress and success.


The online workshop represents an effective and comprehensive program integrating over 20 mentoring and coaching techniques aligned with certified standards and ethics of ICF (International Coach Federation), as per the American Coaching Academy from IPEC. This program has helped numerous women worldwide transform their lives..

6 Sessions

The program includes 6 group sessions held over 6 consecutive weeks.



90 Minutes

Each session lasts 60 minutes, during which the 10 success concepts will be discussed, including instructional content and time for questions and answers.


Once a Week

Sessions are organized weekly and announced in advance.




The workshop takes place online via the Zoom platform.




If you are ready to open up and accept only the best for yourself, our program is perfect for you! Get ready for a journey that will inspire and transform your life!

Unlock your hidden potential

What do you want for yourself and your life?
And how can you become the best version of yourself?

Take control of your life

Start agreeing only with the best.
Know that you deserve it.
Learn to prioritize yourself

Overcome your inner limitations

Discover and replace the beliefs that
hinder your happiness and success with
new ones that help you progress.

Achieve your desired results

No more temporary solutions.
Learn to apply strategic skills to achieve
the lasting things you desire.

Take responsibility for your desires

Stop settling and self-deprecating,
thinking that average is enough.
Demand only the best from yourself and for yourself.

Set your mind for success

Immerse yourself in the psychology of success.
Bring your dream future into the present.

Decide who you want to become

Understand your needs and values that
guide your behavior better,
and start figuring out how to satisfy them.

Gain new perspectives

Discover the opportunities surrounding you
everywhere and use them skillfully.

Learn to love and choose yourself

Dare to wish and dream!
And life and those around you will start
responding to your desires.
Live your life with ease!

Join Now


During the online workshop, we will focus on unfolding the best version of yourself through active work in identifying various thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and stories that hold you back.

However, the most crucial aspect is that we will uncover the motivations that will inspire you to move forward together.

You will make conscious decisions that will change your perspective and guide you towards new opportunities.

After this experience, nothing will be the same again.


To live the life you want, you must take responsibility for your dreams by turning them into goals.

The first step is to approach each session seriously, adhere to Deliana’s recommendations, and take the necessary actions.

The transformation can occur only if you actively engage in the seminar and fully commit yourself to the process and the opportunities presented in life.




An account manager will help you derive maximum satisfaction from the program.


You will be notified by email about upcoming sessions so you don't miss them.


You will receive work materials to make your path to success smoother and more enjoyable.


Week 1: Know the difference between true and truth

Discover how you shape your reality with your perceptions! In this unique experience, we unveil the power of your expectations, inviting you to attract and see what aligns with your visions. Each of us creates our own universe by interpreting reality, colored by our personal history and beliefs. But why remain confined by beliefs that don’t serve you? Let us guide you in a session where we address your personal dilemmas to transform the beliefs at the root of your unfavorable reality. Learn the 5 fundamental steps that will enable you to create a more enriching life. Our approach emphasizes the discovery of inner peace and natural joy, eliminating the need to control external events to find these qualities. As a certified professional coach from iPEC, Deliana will inspire you to question what is “true” to reveal the “Truth”. Get ready for a journey to a more enjoyable life by redefining your beliefs. Your new reality begins here!

Week 2: Tap into the frequency of success

“Each of us is greater and wiser than we appear to be” Do you wonder why some people become very successful and others “just don’t do well”?
Do you ever think that success, money, a happy love relationship is a matter of luck?
Discover why success isn’t just luck but the result of conscious choices. Join us to learn the art of making intentional decisions and attracting the experiences you desire. Life is a continuous growth journey shaped by thoughts, feelings, and actions. Our session guides you to consciously choose how you experience life and turn those choices into reality.
– Unlock your unique gifts
– learn to share them freely, and tap into your greatness.
Deliana will inspire you to recognize your power, resourcefulness, and innate gifts, propelling you to achieve more than you ever thought possible. Experience the empowering shift and embrace a reality that aligns with your desires. Join us to transform your daily life!

Week 3: Direct your life

Prioritize Yourself!
Discover the power of self-care in this transformative session that encourages you to choose yourself without guilt. Life is an adventure filled with mysteries, and by embracing the unknown, you gain empowerment and eliminate the need for excessive control.
– Create Meta-plans,
– SMART goal-setting,
– accountability practices,
– Learn the art of celebrating achievements,
This session provides practical tools for your journey. Deliana will empower you to seize the opportunity to prioritize yourself, embark on a journey of self-discovery, and become the empowered First-choice Woman you are
destined to be!

Week 4: Learn to create opportunities everywhere

Unlock Your Success Potential!
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” —Sir Winston Churchill
What motivates you: avoiding challenges or achieving excellence?
How much time per day do you invest in pursuing your dreams?
Does your Life offer opportunities or only problems?
Transform challenges into opportunities for growth:
– Learn to see opportunities instead of problems.
– Discover your motivation model and reprogram it for genuine inspiration.
– Explore the 7 levels of behavior for ultimate success;
Deliana will guide you to Level 5, unlocking its advantages to create your success model and prepare for abundance.
Seize the opportunity to turn challenges into steps toward your dreams and elevate yourself to ultimate success!

Week 5: Take the lead

“Each moment describes who we are, and gives you the opportunity to decide if that’s who you want to be.”
Take responsibility for your life. Be the woman who leads her path, and learn to make empowering choices.
In this session, you will enhance relationships, master impactful communication, and achieve your desires.
– Use the Ideal Image Tool for specific life details.
– Declutter your life.
– Learn how to build a supportive Anabolic Team.

Week 6: Live abundance

„Dare to dream big, because the excitement you feel is powerful enough to make you achieve it …with ease!“ – Deliana Mineva
„Many people fear living their dreams because they don’t know how to make them come true. The secret is not what you do to make your dreams come true but what they make of you while you make them come true! So relax and follow them, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at who you’ve become at the end of this journey.“- Deliana Mineva (Coach & Business Mentor)
The details of this session will be a secret until the very end. Stay curious. Embrace the sense of adventure. This session has the potential to evolve into a thrilling and distinctive experience for you. We are eagerly looking forward to welcoming you on this transformative journey as you become the woman you are destined to be—the first choice!


Deliana is a certified professional coach from the American Coaching Academy IPEC, certified to the standards and ethics of ICF.

Deliana is passionate about working with ambitious women to empower them to uncompromising their lives.
Who are determined to create their own definition of success, achieve financial independence, and find a balance between career and family life, all with elegance and excitement.

Deliana inspires them to stop looking for excuses to play small and dare to reach out to their dreams and start living on the bright side of life.



“Participating in this program was a true revelation for me. I finally understood how to break free from my meaningless daily routine and create a life that excites me. The online sessions were interactive, informative, and allowed me to redefine my goals strategically. Thanks to Deliana for this transformative experience!”

Sophie :

“This workshop gave me the necessary tools to take control of my life. The 6 sessions were very interesting and rich in information.”

Isabella :

“Deliana helped me surpass my limits and create lasting changes. Thank you for this extraordinary workshop!”

Claire :

“It took me some time to write this review. It’s been 6 months since I participated in this workshop. It had a real impact on my personal and professional life. I am more daring in my desires and actions. Deliana is an inspiring and competent coach. The sessions were focused on action and participation.”

N.T. :

“A big thank you for this invaluable workshop. Very informative and enjoyable. Deliana has a unique holistic approach that combines coaching and mentoring. I am convinced. I see opportunities everywhere since then.”

T.T. :

“I signed up for this workshop with my best friend M.C. We loved it. Each of us experienced beneficial transformations. We had a lot of fun. The workshop truly lives up to its reputation, very focused, and very interesting.”

The time is now to

first choice