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Uncover the Gremlins Holding Back Your Financial Success.

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How to Overcome Financial Fears and Achieve Prosperity?


Welcome to the final part of a four-part series that explores the fascinating world of “limiting beliefs, interpretations, assumptions, and gremlins” related to money, business, and prosperity. Throughout this journey, we have delved into how these inner constructs can either propel or hinder talented and creative female entrepreneurs in their quest for success. At the core of this series lies the understanding that your inner world, shaped by your thoughts and beliefs, intimately influences your daily actions.

How to discover the barriers that make you hesitate in your financial freedom and prosperity? What are the tools to transform your gremlins into catalysts for growth and innovation?

Understanding Gremlins 

So, what exactly are gremlins? 

Imagine them as sneaky little creatures that hide in the corners of your mind, whispering doubts and fears into your ears. Gremlins are the inner critics, the voices of self-doubt that cast shadows on your aspirations and paralyze your progress.


The Financial Scarcity Gremlin: This Gremlin makes you believe that money is scarce and there will never be enough to meet your needs. It can drive you to live in fear of poverty, which can prevent you from taking financial risks.

“I’ll never have enough money to live comfortably.”

“Money slips through my fingers like water, no matter what I do. »

The Financial Impostor Gremlin: This gremlin makes you doubt your financial management skills and convinces you that you’re not worthy of wealth. It can lead you to underestimate your value in the market.

“I’m just lucky; I don’t deserve this wealth.”

“One day, everyone will figure out I’m not as financially savvy as they think.”

The Compulsive Spending Gremlin: This gremlin urges you to spend money impulsively and accumulate debt, as it provides a false sense of fleeting happiness through consumption.

“I can’t resist buying things, even if I can’t afford them.”

“Shopping is the only way I can feel better when stressed.»

The Wealth Guilt Gremlin: This gremlin makes you feel guilty about having money and prosperity, especially if others around you are in financial distress. It can hinder you from thoroughly enjoying your financial successes.

“I feel guilty about my financial success when others are struggling.”

“I should keep my wealth a secret so no one judges me. »

The Fear of Financial Failure Gremlin: This gremlin frightens you into believing every financial investment or business venture will fail. It can dissuade you from taking necessary risks for financial growth.

“My business will fail, and I’ll end up broke and embarrassed.”

“I’m too afraid to invest in my dream; sticking with what I know is safer. »

The Difference between Gremlins, Beliefs, Assumptions, and Interpretations.

It is essential to distinguish gremlins from other mental constructs:

Gremlins: These self-limiting thoughts and insecurities undermine your self-confidence and hold you back. Gremlins often operate in the realm of irrational fear and self-sabotage.

Limiting Beliefs: Beliefs are deeply ingrained convictions influenced by cultural, familial, or personal factors. They tend to be more stable and encompass broader values and principles.

Assumptions: Assumptions are expectations based on past experiences. They often lead us to make decisions without consciously evaluating the evidence or considering alternative perspectives.

Interpretations: Interpretations involve perceiving and making sense of events and experiences. They can influence our emotions, decisions, and actions.

Identifying and addressing the gremlins lurking in your mind is crucial if you want to overcome your fear of business failure and embrace calculated risk-taking. These gremlins are the nagging voices that say, “What if you fail?” or “You’re not good enough.” They often stem from past disappointments, setbacks, or even external influences.


Imagine Tina, a woman eager to transition from freelancing to a thriving small graphic design business. Unfortunately, an inner gremlin held her back with thoughts like, “I’m not cut out for this. I’m a failure,” which stemmed from past “failed “projects.

This gremlin was the negative voice sowing doubt in her, keeping her in her comfort zone, and discouraging her from taking bold initiatives. The negative thoughts generated by this gremlin overwhelmed her with fear and self-doubt, limiting her opportunities to engage in ambitious projects.

Fortunately, Tina sought help and worked with us as her coach to identify and overcome her gremlins. After becoming aware and receiving coaching, Tina transformed her interpretation into a positive mindset: “I am powerful. I’ve learned valuable lessons from these experiences. “This small change had a profound impact on Tina.

She gained confidence, inspiring her to take on new projects. Over time, her graphic design business thrived, all thanks to her courage in confronting her gremlins and adopting a new positive attitude toward herself.


Contrary to beliefs, interpretations, and assumptions, gremlins are often challenging to identify because they directly stem from our ego. In its ultimate quest, the ego seeks to “protect” us from painful emotions at all costs, and it will do everything in its power to achieve this goal. 

However, gremlins often work against our well-being and happiness instead of protecting us from solid and painful emotions. Instead of achieving our goals, we begin to believe that we are unable to handle pain and start to avoid it.

These internal, “secret” messages deeply buried within us are challenging to identify and eliminate. This is, in fact, one of the specialties of coaching – helping the client become aware of their gremlins and destroying them. It is essential to note that a gremlin message can hinder your success, even if you make every possible and imaginable effort. That’s why working on managing these gremlins is vital to achieve your goals.

Coaching Exercise:

This exercise will help you become aware of your gremlins, confront them, and replace them with positive thoughts while developing a concrete action plan to help you achieve your goals.

Step 1: Awareness

First, I invite you to reflect on an area of your life or work that feels challenging, where you tend to feel stuck, anxious, or engage in self-sabotaging behavior. This could relate to your professional goals, personal relationships, or any other aspect of your life you wish to improve.

Step 2: Exploring Negative Thoughts

Take a moment to jot down those negative thoughts or doubts when you think about this area. These could be self-criticism, irrational fears, or any negative feelings you experience.

Step 3: Identifying Gremlins

Now, imagine that these negative thoughts result from imaginary creatures we’ll call “gremlins.” You can even give them names to personalize these thoughts. For instance, if you think, “I’m always destined to fail,” you could name this gremlin “Mr. Failure.”

Step 4: Dialoguing with the Gremlins

Visualize having a dialogue with these gremlins. Ask them why they exist, what underlying fears or wounds they represent, and how they have influenced your decisions and behaviors up until now. This can help you better understand where these negative thoughts originate.

Step 5: Changing Interpretations

Remember, you created these gremlins to keep you from getting hurt. Once you’ve identified the emotion you need to guard against, it’s time to find another way to deal with it.

I’ll encourage you to develop a new task for the gremlin. 

What thoughts could replace the ones these gremlins have instilled in you?

Step 6: Creating an Action Plan

Once you’ve given your gremlin a task that empowers you, start creating a concrete action plan based on these new tasks. This plan will include specific goals, steps to follow, and the resources you need to progress in this area of your life.



Congratulations on completing this transformative journey through gremlins, beliefs, assumptions, and interpretations. By understanding the distinction between these mental constructs and addressing your gremlins, you’ve taken a significant step toward conquering your fear of failure in business and embracing risk with open arms.

Remember, your gremlins can become your allies in the pursuit of success. It’s about shifting your perspective and harnessing your energy to drive you forward. Your financial success is within reach, and it’s time to set your entrepreneurial spirit free. Keep embracing your creativity, embodying elegance, and pursuing your vision as you journey towards a prosperous and fulfilling small business.

The future is bright, and you have all it takes to shine!




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