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From Doubt to Confidence: Transforming Limiting Interpretations

Home/Mindset Beliefs Limites Gremlins/From Doubt to Confidence: Transforming Limiting Interpretations
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Learn how to shift from uncertainty to confidence through the transformation of interpretations.


Welcome to the third part of a four-article series dedicated to ” limiting beliefs, interpretations, assumptions, and gremlins” related to money, business, and prosperity. These elements often account for many failures and can hinder the ability to undertake and succeed in the business world, especially for many talented and creative female entrepreneurs. In our previous articles, we have already addressed the two essential pillars for achieving financial success: our inner world, composed of our thoughts and beliefs, and our concrete actions, which are our daily behavior. These two aspects are closely intertwined, and it is crucial to understand how our financial biases influence our actions and how transforming them can help us unleash our financial potential.

Today, we delve into the realm of interpretations and explore their essential role in either propelling us toward financial success or keeping us within a limited financial sphere.

But What Are Interpretations?

Interpretations, in the realm of psychology and coaching, are the lenses through which we see the world. Think of them as the filters that color our perceptions and experiences.

To illustrate, let’s take an example related to confidence in the business context.

Imagine that you’re considering starting your own business. A positive interpretation of this idea can fill you with confidence, inspiring you to proceed with enthusiasm. Conversely, a negative interpretation can sow doubt and uncertainty, making you hesitate to take the leap.

What’s intriguing is that interpretations are often shaped by our past experiences, beliefs, and emotions.

They shape the stories we tell ourselves about our abilities and the business world. The exciting part is that we have the power to modify these interpretations. In coaching, we guide our clients in exploring their interpretations, helping them to question them and adopt new perspectives. This process can pave the way for greater self-confidence and success in the business realm by offering fresh, more positive outlooks on the professional world.

But what is the difference between limiting beliefs, assumptions, and interpretations?

Let’s take a closer look at the difference between interpretations, beliefs, and assumptions.

Limiting Beliefs:

These are deep-seated convictions influenced by culture or family. They can be like heavy anchors, holding you back from financial abundance.


Assumptions are based on single past experiences and are often personal in nature. They can be obstacles that hinder progress and prosperity.


Interpretations are the stories we create about our experiences. They are the meanings we attach to events. Unlike beliefs and assumptions, interpretations can be fluid, changeable, and open to new possibilities.


Imagine a woman named Emily who starts her own creative business.  She encounters her first setback—project that doesn’t go as planned, because the client doesn’t give her feedback on time. Her interpretation is, “The client doesn’t like me. I am sure that he is already in talks with my competition and intends to terminate the contract with me. ” This interpretation leads to fear and self-doubt, preventing her from taking on positive actions on this project. However, through coaching and self-awareness, Emily transforms her interpretation into, “I learned valuable lessons from that experience, and it will only make me stronger.” This shift in interpretation empowers her to take on new challenges, leading to the growth of her business.

Interpretations are powerful tools that can either limit your potential or propel you toward financial success.

Most people believe their interpretations are the only possible explanation for an event, when actually, an interpretation often represents only one viewpoint among the many that are possible.

And now imagine Emily again. She starts her own creative business. She encounters her first setback—project that doesn’t go as planned, because the client doesn’t give her feedback on time. Her interpretation is, “The client doesn’t send me feedback to my proposal. He surely needs help to choose between the 3 offers I have presented to him or he is overwhelmed with so many tasks that he has forgotten when he has to reply to me. It would be best to contact his assistant and ask her to give me a meeting with him today.

As you can see – the same situation, two different interpretations, which lead to two opposite actions, and they, in turn, to two completely different results.

when you interpret something, you create an opinion about an event, situation, or experience in life. What’s the result?


The Impact of Interpretations on Your Financial Journey:

Interpretations can be both empowering and limiting. They shape your perceptions of financial opportunities and challenges. For visionary women who aspire to create thriving small businesses, understanding and managing their interpretations is paramount.

Consider these interpretations commonly held by women entrepreneurs:

“My prospective clients like for sure more the web page of my competitor.”: This interpretation can lead to self-doubt and make you change the design of your page again and again.

“My dream client thinks doesn’t like my traditional products. For sure he thinks what I do is old fashioned.”: This interpretation may prevent you from embracing innovation and new trends.

“If I balance work and family, surely clients will not be happy with my new working hours and will go to the competition.”: This interpretation could hinder you from achieving the work-life balance you desire.

Transforming interpretations requires self-awareness, however it’s a very powerful tool that you should use to change your financial trajectory.


Coaching Exercise: Reframing Your Interpretations for Success

Limiting interpretations are worked on just like beliefs and assumptions. It will be wise to find them, identify them, question them and replace them with helpful interpretations.

To help you unlock your financial potential, let’s engage in an exercise that will empower you to reframe your interpretations.

Step 1: Identify Your Interpretations

Take a moment to write down the interpretations you hold about your business, money, and prosperity. Be honest and list as many as you can.

What interpretations do you believe you have regarding starting your business?




Step 2: Evaluate Their Impact

For each interpretation, reflect on how it has influenced your decisions, actions, and financial progress. Has it been empowering or limiting?

How do you think they have influenced your actions thus far?

How do these stories you tell yourself impact your confidence and motivation to launch your business?

Step 3: Analysis of Emotions

What emotions do they feel when they think about these beliefs? Is it fear, uncertainty, excitement, or something else?

The goal is to shed light on the emotional impact of these interpretations.

When you reflect on the emotions associated with these interpretations, which emotion appears to be the most predominant and impactful?

Step 4: Challenging and New Perspectives

What’s another way to look at that?

What another person might say happened?

And What the other individual’s perspective might be can lead to a more objective point of view?

What alternative interpretation can I create that aligns with my financial goals?

How would my decisions change if I embraced this new interpretation?

Step 6: Creating Positive Affirmations

For example, “I’m supposed. People like my products and what I have to offer.”

It’s an important step toward a stronger and positive entrepreneurial mindset.

Step 7: Action Plan

Develop a plan to implement your new, empowering interpretations into your daily life and business decisions. Take small steps to align your actions with your revised perspectives.




Remember that your interpretations do not define your destiny, but they influence your journey. By challenging limiting interpretations and embracing positive perspectives, you pave the way for a stronger entrepreneurial mindset. You have the power to create your own success. Move forward with confidence, and make your vision a thriving reality. Next week, we will delve into the topic of gremlins, and after that, we hope that everything that was blocking you from prosperity, success, and the financial freedom you’ve always dreamed of will be eliminated. Instead, you will feel confident, strong, and capable of moving forward.

May this article be a source of inspiration for your entrepreneurial future.




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