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3 Most Powerful and Effective Methods to Overcome Self-Sabotage, Master Money, and Achieve Financial Success

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How to Achieve Financial Success?

3 powerful, simple and effective Methods to Overcome Self-Sabotage and Start Masting Money

Self-sabotage, more than a trendy term, reveals patterns of unconscious thoughts and behaviors that deliberately hinder realizing our financial goals. Focusing on the relationship between money and self-sabotage is crucial, especially for entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts. Coaching and other personal development approaches are essential to reprogramming these neural patterns and promoting behaviors aligned with financial success.

Let’s move on to three simple steps to free yourself from these financial constraints.

Are You Sabotaging Your Financial Future?

If financial success eludes you and conflicting thoughts hinder your aspirations, you may be a victim of internal conflict. Identifying these thoughts is crucial because unlimited wealth remains inaccessible in the long term without eliminating them. Some signs of financial self-sabotage include constant procrastination, fear of success or failure, limiting beliefs, self-deprecation, comfort in stagnation, and repeating negative patterns.


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Self-Sabotage – Conflicting Thoughts on Financial Abundance

Here are some examples of limiting thoughts that may be causing financial concerns:

  • Fear of financial failure: “If I invest, I could lose everything. It’s better not to do anything.”
  • Limiting beliefs about Money: “Money is the root of all evil. The rich are selfish.”
  • Financial self-deprecation: “I don’t deserve to have a lot of money.”
  • Fear of financial responsibility: “Managing investments seems complicated. It’s better to avoid it.”
  • Attachment to financial security: “Risks lead to losses. Let’s stay in the comfort zone.”
  • Belief in scarcity: “There aren’t enough opportunities for everyone. It’s competitive.”
  • Financial imposter syndrome: “One day, people will discover I’m not up to the task. »

The thoughts and beliefs stemming from Money Levels 1, 2, 3, and partly 4 are limiting and highly self-sabotaging. By setting up such barriers, we condemn ourselves to a life of financial scarcity, and it is not at all “by chance” that we struggle to accumulate wealth and live in comfort and luxury. Learn the practical steps on how to upgrade your financial mindset to the Money Levels 5-7 with the masterclass « 7 Levels of Money »  

Self-Sabotage – Emotional Barriers to Financial Abundance

Several emotions can contribute to our financial situation and sabotage our path to wealth. Among them are fear (of failure, success, responsibility, the new, for one’s life, …), guilt (of being rich, not being able to take care of loved ones, …), anxiety (imposter syndrome, illegitimacy), anger, shame (self-devaluation, …). These emotions can be deeply ingrained and influence our financial choices subconsciously. Thoughts provoke emotions that lead to actions. If thoughts are negative, emotions will be too, and finally, our actions will cause us to sabotage ourselves repeatedly through indecision, procrastination, and the lies we tell ourselves.

All emotions listed above correspond to negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs: Level 1 is associated with fear, apathy, guilt, worry, doubt, and lack of confidence, while Level 2 corresponds to anger, resistance, and frustration. Only from Level 3 does the energy become anabolic, and we begin to approach prosperity. Infinite abundance starts from Level 5. Knowing the “7 Levels of Money” to think and act in alignment with our financial goals is crucial.


Three Powerful Coaching Methods to Overcome Self-Sabotage

If these obstacles resonate with you, explore these coaching methods to redefine your mindset and propel your journey toward financial abundance. The three methods are powerful and can be used to reprogram limiting beliefs.

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Method 1 – Mastering Your Thoughts and Emotions: Redefining Your Relationship with Money

Mastering thoughts and emotions is essential to open the door to financial abundance. Become aware of your thoughts, identify limiting beliefs, replace negative thoughts, cultivate an abundance mindset, manage money-related emotions, visualize your success, and practice these techniques regularly.

Method 2 – Goal Setting and Accountability

Define clear financial goals, share them, break them into manageable tasks, and stay accountable. It’s like programming your mental GPS for financial success with a friendly guide. How do we define these goals? There are many steps – evaluating the current situation, identifying needs and desires, setting AIM SMART goals, implementing them, monitoring, and revising…

Method 3 – Mindfulness and Action

Mindfulness is a practice that involves deliberate and non-judgmental attention to the present moment. This requires awareness of thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and the environment without being excessively reactive or attached to these experiences. Adopt mindfulness, identify sabotaging thoughts, replace them, act in alignment with your goals, and integrate mindfulness into your routine. This practice is increasingly recognized for its potential benefits in mental and physical well-being. Integrate mindfulness into your routine. Meditation, gratitude, and positive affirmations are powerful tools to align your thoughts with financial success.


Financial self-sabotage occurs when, often without us being truly aware, our thoughts and actions go against our own financial goals. This can manifest as constant delays in making important decisions, fears related to success or failure, limiting beliefs about money, a tendency to accept less than what we deserve or even a certain comfort in the financial status quo. In other words, it’s a behavior that unconsciously prevents us from achieving our financial goals. However, you have seen that your financial destiny is in your hands despite everything. Everything is workable. Nothing is set in stone. Wealth and poverty are states of mind. Personal development is the key that will allow you to reprogram your mindset. 

In the masterclass « 7 Levels of Money», you have the unique opportunity to dive into all levels of Money and learn step by step how to upgrade your thoughts, elevate your emotions towards Money, and, last but not least, the habits that lead to prosperity and wealth. This unique program has helped thousands of women around the globe and includes:

  • The educational and practical parts with exercises that will teach you wealth habits.
  • A large number of guided visualizations for reprogramming your thoughts and emotions.
  • Step-by-step implementation of a plan.  

Free yourself today and pave the way for a future of abundance and prosperity.




Here are our products that can positively enhance your financial situation, bringing you closer quickly and as simply as possible to the life of your dreams.



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