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Exceptional Woman _original logo NO BACKGROUND

Business Coaching for Creative Small Female Businesses

Coaching & Mentoring Packages:
Online Programs:



Frequently Asked Questions

Find out the main things that interest you. Information about your profile, account details, registration process, etc. 

Can't log in to my account?

If your account doesn’t appear on all devices, make sure you’re signed in with the same address everywhere (beware of spelling mistakes in your username or password!)

I forgot my password?

If you have forgotten your password, you must click on “forgotten password” below the password field when you want to log in to your account. Follow the instructions and create a new password.

How do I change my current password or email address?

You can change your password, email, or data in the “personal information” and “password” section when logged in to your account.

How do I delete my account?

You can delete your account by accessing the settings. If you delete your account, you lose all courses purchased and your progression.

I don't want to receive more marketing emails?

Our goal is to help you in the fastest and most pleasant way possible for you to wake up an exceptional woman who is hiding in you. Your progression gives us the motivation to help you. Our motivating emails will help you succeed. Of course, you can unsubscribe from our motivational emails by clicking on “unsubscribe” at the bottom of the email. You can also change your “preferences” in the “settings” section.


Business Coaching for Creative Small Female Businesses

© 2021 Exceptional Woman.All rights reserved. 

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